It was yesterday when I tried to turn on my e-book reader. It did not boot up, crashed somewhere in the middle showing only the boot logo (big 1) on the screen.
The best bet is to try to update the firmware of the device. There's nothing can go wrong. Either I have a bricked reader or I have a bricked reader.
Connecting USB cable shows no life - can not mount the device. Now what??
Nothing in the user's manual but via google: Acom sk forums Boot to recovery mode (Back + Power button)!
Without firmware file it boots up seemingly fine after failing to update the FW (to safemode I think). Reboot to normal mode: still hangs.
Long story short:
- Get new FW from Next Papyrus, the latest was v2.4, I have v1.3 on the reader
- Copy the FW to the device, boot to recovery. No FW found. Hrm... I just placed it there :o
It turns out that
- You can't update the FW from v1.x to v2.x
- You can't download v1.x FW from Next Papyrus.
- You can't get the 'transition' FW for updating the FW from v1.x to v2.x
With Google + translate I have ended up in
The Instructions looked promising, but can not download the package since the S/N of my device was not accepted. Back to google. In some forums ( thread) found a serial which worked. Cool.
Now I followed the instructions found on
- Flash the transition FW (v2.0)
- After reboot - the reader is now in Russian
- Copied the FW image I got from the nextpapyrus page (v2.4)
- On Papyrus: Press Menu, twice up (<), Look for the FW update - 5 times down (>)
- Proceed
- After updating I got a booting PAGEone with v2.4 FW :D
No need to buy a new reader. For now